Chakras Meaning, Appearance, Benefits, Location & Powers

There are 7 major Chakras related to our emotional, mental, and physical interactions. They are the openings that allow our energy to flow through our aura. Chakras are the center of our energy and located in various areas of our body. The root chakra which is the first chakra is positioned on the outside of […]

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Healthy Heart Chakra

This is a day that many of us feel alone, unloved. This year, if you find yourself without a true love to share this day, approach the day with love for yourself! Here we offer several things you can do to balance your Heart Chakra and reap the energy […]

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Powerful Manifestation Symbols for Stability, Confidence, Power & Money

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Chakras Meaning, Appearance, Benefits, Location & Powers

There are 7 major Chakras related to our emotional, mental, and physical interactions. They are the openings that allow our energy to flow through our aura. Chakras are the center of our energy and located in various areas of our body. The root chakra which is the first chakra is positioned on the outside of […]

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Healthy Heart Chakra

This is a day that many of us feel alone, unloved. This year, if you find yourself without a true love to share this day, approach the day with love for yourself! Here we offer several things you can do to balance your Heart Chakra and reap the energy […]

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Powerful Manifestation Symbols for Stability, Confidence, Power & Money
Are you someone who believes in spirituality? If yes, then you might believe in manifestations of powerful symbols as well. There are many different kinds of symbols out there that are known to come with certain spiritual powers, which can bring good...
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Heart Chakra Stones
Chakra means happiness. There is a wide range of precious gems and stones available which has a great impact on the well-being of our heart and soul. The heart chakra is one of the primary chakras present in our body....
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Heart Chakra To Open Your Heart
Heart chakra mending motivates you to rehearse pardoning, acknowledgment, and unqualified love, all of which offer agreeable living under a heavenly power. Be that as it may, every so often your heart chakra can get blocked when you keep running...
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Auras and Chakras – What Are The Differences, Or Are There Any?

If you’re new to the world of aura and chakras, you’re probably amazed what they are and how they affect your life. This is an intriguing area and more people are looking to these things for better health and better living.  But you may not realize the differences between the two. Let us take a 

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The Crown Chakra – The Seventh Chakra

At the top of our ladder is where we find the Crown Chakra,  the seventh chakra. It begins at the root chakra that keeps us grounded and reaches up to connect us to the Divine Source, the creation of the Divine Source, and the universe. This is where Sahasrara is found, at the crown 

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Does Your Root Chakra Need Healing?
What Is The Third Eye Chakra Stones & Crystals Meaning and Healing
The Throat Chakra – The Chakra Of Truth

The 5th chakra is the Throat Chakra, it is our center chakra and is associated with a sky-blue color. When this chakra is healthy, it is the direct relation to our honest expression when we use our voices to speak the choices that will have energetic consequences both positively or negatively. 

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The Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura Chakra Meaning

The 3rd Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra and is said to be the core of our ego, identity, and personality. It is situated between the navel and solar plexus, making it the center of our willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks enjoyment and pleasure, this chakra gives us the perception of who we are.

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The Sacral Chakra – Your Creativity, Ideas, Sex Drive

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra.  Here is where our creativity, ideas, passion and pleasure are located.  It is centered in the pelvic area and seeks enjoyment and pleasure. This chakra gives us the ability to experience life through our feelings and sensations. It is the center of connections, emotions, intimacy, and sensuality. When

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Does Your Root Chakra Need Healing?

As we recently discussed here, the root chakra is the one that helps us survive. It is the one that provides us the mystical energy powers through our spine and feeds the other chakras. When the root chakra is misaligned, we are likely to have problems with our bladder and sexual, thus reproductive issues. We […]

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What Is The Third Eye Chakra Stones & Crystals Meaning and Healing

For the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at the various stones of the world. Their history, the benefits they offer, and the powers it is believed they each have. Many have referenced to “The Third Eye Chakra” as how they are connected and how they relate.  But do we really know what “The Third […]

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