Pyrite Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra


Opal Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra


Onyx Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra

Pyrite Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
Pyrite crystal, with its glimmering, golden appearance has been mesmerizing people for years and years. The gifts and abilities this lustrous stone possesses are far more valuable than material wealth or aesthetic beauty, despite the fact that it is celebrated...
Opal Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
The designated birthstone of October, opal, is a stone of unparalleled beauty and shine. With a variety of purposes and meanings, this stone is given as a token of luck on 14 year wedding anniversaries. The name of the opal...
Onyx Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
Radiating with earthy energy, the black onyx stone is one of the world’s most protective talismans. Smooth to the touch, this stone inspires you to face your fears head on. Standing dutifully and fearlessly by your side, you will find...
Labradorite Stone & Crystal Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Properties and Chakra
A highly intuitive gemstone, labradorite is a glowing treasure of the gemstone world. This stone is classified as a crucial feldspar mineral, and interestingly enough, feldspar minerals account for approximately 41 percent of the total weight of the earth's continental...
Lapis Lazuli Stone & Crystal Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
Lapis Lazuli, the guardian stone of travelers, is a protective talisman with the appearance of a starry sky. Belonging to the class of rocks known as metamorphic rocks, lazurite dominates the composition, and pyrite, calcite, and sodalite are also present....
Moonstone Stones and Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
Shining with the opalescent light of the moon, the aptly named moonstone is a treasure that radiates with divine energy. Occasionally going by the name hecatolite, this mineral is a member of the feldspar family. With its unique sheen and...
Lava Stone and Crystal Jewelry - Meaning, Properties, Benefits and Chakra
Formed from the lively output of volcanoes, lava stones are packed with explosive and dynamic energy. Although these stones are often grouped with gemstones, they are not really gemstones at all - geologically speaking anyways. Lava stones also go by...
Citrine Crystals and Stones Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Properties
Ruby Gemstone Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Properties
Agate Stones & Crystals Jewelry - Meaning, Types, Benefits and Healing Properties
Agate, also known as the stabilizer, is the stone to turn to when in need of grounding in your life. Known for its deeply calming energy, the agate stone is also beloved for its immaculate beauty. This stone appears to...
Aquamarine Stones & Crystals - Meaning, Benefits, Properties and Chakra
Representing strength and fortitude, aquamarine is an ethereally beautiful stone that can be worn to promote clear communication and tranquil thoughts. It is also known to help greatly with stress and anxiety relief. In many cultures, aquamarine, with its clarifying...
Amethyst Crystal & Stone Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Chakra, Powers & Properties
Holding a lovely energy, and tied to great historical significance, amethyst is a semi-precious gemstone that is not only beautiful but also very powerful. You will never find two amethyst gemstones alike; however, it is always a member of the...
Black Tourmaline Stones & Crystals - Meaning, Benefits, Properties, Types and Chakra
The tourmaline stone is a semi-precious mineral that can be found in a variety of enchanting colors and hues. Known for its vitreous luster this stone is categorized as a crystalline boron silicate. Lear more about black tourmaline stone benefits from...
Citrine Crystals and Stones Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Properties
In this article we will tell you all about the meaning of Citrine. Citrine is a sunny variety of the quartz stone that is often found in shades of yellow, orange, or brown, with the most popular citrine stones being...
Ruby Gemstone Jewelry - Meaning, Benefits, Properties
The stunning ruby is one of the most beloved gemstones in the world. Frequently linked to wealth and success, these red gems have been worn by everyone from royals to movie stars. As a result of their connection to riches...


ポスト 瑪瑙の石 最初に登場 カルマと運.

The Top 5 Clear Quartz Necklaces for Clarifying the Mind & Soothing the Soul
5 Clear Quartz Necklaces To Ignite Your Intuition
Best 15 Protection Crystals to Bring Good Energy into Your Home
Healing and Purity of Aquamarine Gemstones Bracelets for Women

ベリル鉱物のファミリーはエメラルドがグループ化されている場所です。この緑色の石はこの鉱物家族の間に豊かで、世界中のほんの数の場所にあります。 Emeraldsは、堆積岩だけでなく、堆積岩だけでなく5000年以上にわたり、エメラルドは貴重な宝石であることが最も望ましいです。その間 […]

ポスト エメラルド:美しく珍しい石 最初に登場 カルマと運.

誰が宝石類が好きではありませんか?多分あなたはあなたにとって特別な意味を持つシンプルな指輪を持っています。またはあなたがブレスレット、イヤリング、ネックレスで飾る、 リング毎日時計。私たちの何人かは石との金属の色を着用しますが、私たちの何人かは私たちが好む好きな石を持っています。たぶんダイヤモンド - 女の子の親友?または真珠 - エレガントでシンプルで、時代い石。 そして多くの人々が彼らの誕生石だけを着ます。月をその石に接続する特別なプロパティがあるという信念を持つ、誕生ストーンはカレンダーの毎月と一致しています。あなたは石がどのように一致したかを疑問に思いましたか? 彼がアーロンの大祭司の大祭司のために作られた特別な衣服の上の12の石の最初のセットをレイアウトする聖書の日からのモーセだったと言われています。胸当ての贈り物、宗教的な衣服、彼はそれぞれがイスラエルの部族を代表する12人の貴石を置いた。最終的には、それらの12個の石は黄道帯の12の兆候にリンクされ、次に毎月1つの石にリンクされました。 誕生ストーンに関連した多くの神話や伝説がありました。多くの文化は誕生石が魔法の癒しの力を持っているか、幸運をもたらすと信じていました。どんな月にどの季節に対応するかすべての文化が合意したわけではありませんでした。   今日、ほとんどの宝石商が続く基本的な設定があり、これらは最も一般的です。 1月 - 誕生石はガーネットで、一つの旅行として安全を提供します。 2月 - 誕生石はアメジスト、勇気の石です。 3月 - 誕生石はアクアマリン、癒しの力を持つ石です。 4月 - 誕生石はダイヤモンド、永続的な愛の象徴的です。 5月 - 誕生石はエメラルドであり、また愛の象徴です。 6月 - 誕生石は真珠で、純度を象徴しています。 7月 - 誕生石はRubyで、悪を避けました。 8月 - 誕生石ペリドット、強さの象徴的です。 9月 - 誕生石はサファイアで、悪と毒に対して1つを守ると信じられていました。 10月 -...
The Top 5 Clear Quartz Necklaces for Clarifying the Mind & Soothing the Soul
Known as “the master healer”, clear quartz is a powerful stone that promises an unparalleled ability to provide support in times of emotional healing. As a stone amplifier, it also offers the unique capacity to enhance and increase the energy...
5 Clear Quartz Necklaces To Ignite Your Intuition
Wearing jewelry is a beloved way to tap into self expression and get creative with style. However, historically jewelry has been used for more than just a way to glam up an outfit.  From ancient talismans to Victorian love gifts,...
Best 15 Protection Crystals to Bring Good Energy into Your Home
Throughout history, crystals have been used in the household as a tool to fight negative energy and bring about prosperity. Different crystals entail different benefits, and by placing them in the home we can take advantage of those many benefits....
Healing and Purity of Aquamarine Gemstones Bracelets for Women
Whenever one talks about women's aquamarine bracelets, we're talking about healing stones that are wrapped around your wrist in a bracelet. You might be asking why bracelets are so popular. Wearing gemstones closely to your skin on a daily basis is an...