Which Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Cancer?

Which Zodiac Sign Are Compatible With Cancer

Cancer (June 21—July 22) is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Crab and ruled by the Moon. This gentle, sensitive Water sign guards a tender heart within its shell and is ruled by intuition, emotion, and domestic instincts. As natural caregivers and leaders, Cancers are intimately attuned to the needs and feelings of others; they also have a strong sense of self and are guided by an innate sense of justice and correctness. Their nurturing nature makes them wonderful parents, partners, and teachers. 

If you’re reading this, you’re likely curious about Cancer’s romantic side—though Cancer compatibility is just as relevant for friendships and working relationships as it is for dating, marriage, and family life. Whether you’re exploring a new relationship or seeking balance in a long-term partnership, our complete Cancer compatibility guide will help you determine whether you have rocky seas or calm waters ahead.

Best Matches for Cancer

So which signs are most compatible with Cancer? First, we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that Zodiac compatibility isn’t the be-all, end-all of a relationship—so don’t panic if your signs aren’t a perfect match. Some couples can make incompatible signs work just fine and end up with a bond that “compatible” couples can only envy.

With that said, some combinations of Zodiac signs are certainly easier than others. A Cancer woman’s best match might be the equally gentle Pisces, rated highly for compatibility, while the best match for a Cancer man might be a challenging yet supportive Scorpio. Below, we’ll explore what you can expect from each and every Cancer partnership.

Genuine Emotions - Cancer Card Necklace
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Genuine Emotions - Cancer Card Necklace
Cancer Healing Mantra: "Intuition is my Superpower"
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Virgo and Cancer

Stable and highly principled, Virgo is an Earth sign with much to offer Cancer in a relationship—just as long as their values align. Virgo and Cancer’s compatibility depends upon their mutual dedication to their beliefs, since both signs can be inflexible when it comes to the things they care about. If a Virgo and a Cancer disagree on something, sparks will fly. On the other hand, when they agree, they’ll be an unstoppable team.

One of the challenges to Cancer and Virgo compatibility is their approach to handling problems in the relationship. Cancers are often highly emotional and sensitive to criticism, which can lead them to become conflict-avoidant or passive-aggressive, while Virgos tend to be practical and direct, sometimes to the point of bruising a Cancer’s gentle nature. A Virgo partner will need to be gentle with Cancer’s feelings and value their emotional openness, while Cancer will need to learn that clear communication and accepting criticism are the bedrock of a healthy relationship.Earthy Wisdom - Virgo Card Necklace

Earthy Wisdom - Virgo Card Necklace
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Earthy Wisdom - Virgo Card Necklace
Virgo Healing Mantra- "I stay grounded, I stay aware" 
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Leo and Cancer

It’s a tale as old as time: Water and Fire don’t mix. The sunny lion of the Zodiac, Leo can present some challenges for a Cancer. Leo and Cancer compatibility depends on their ability to respect each other’s differences—because they have many, many differences. On the other hand, the primal tension between Sun and Moon can represent great chemistry and intrigue for some couples.

The greatest conflict between Leo and Cancer is in how differently they express themselves. While Cancer is sensitive and prefers to keep things cool, Leo burns red-hot and passionate and has a tendency to take life at a run. Cancers can feel destabilized and unsettled by Leo’s hot-headedness, while Leo might see Cancer as a wet blanket. Cancer and Leo’s compatibility as partners is a careful balancing act. Successful couples will enjoy each other’s disparate opinions and interests, rather than feeling threatened by them.Royal Presence - Leo Card Necklace

Royal Presence - Leo Card Necklace
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Royal Presence - Leo Card Necklace
Leo Healing Mantra: "I am capable, I am fiery, I am the shining armor"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Libra and Cancer

At first glance, Libra and Cancer’s compatibility rating might seem to be a death knell for any relationship, and there certainly are difficulties presented when you mesh Libra and Cancer personalities together. Cancer’s sensitive, domestic nature and desire to build a stable, close-knit family can clash with Libra’s exuberance for community, platonic relationships, and external connections. But don’t count this partnership out: they are both intuitive, relationship-driven individuals with the ability to make their chosen partners feel truly special.

Cancer and Libra compatibility is hampered by the fact that these two signs are likely to find themselves in different places and to value different kinds of connections. While Cancer is looking for “the one,” Libra is looking for “the many”—and will need space in the relationship to cultivate their plentiful friendships when Cancer is laser-focused on developing their love connection. This disconnect can make Libra feel smothered while Cancer feels neglected. On the flipside, Cancer can help Libra appreciate the value of a deep, strong romantic partnership while Libra helps Cancer build a large, supportive community.Balanced Growth - Libra Card Necklace

Balanced Growth - Libra Card Necklace
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Balanced Growth - Libra Card Necklace
Libra Healing Mantra- "I find my calm even in chaos"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $179
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Pisces and Cancer

As two highly sensitive and romantic Water signs, the Fish and the Crab are happiest swimming together. Pisces and Cancer enjoy some of the greatest compatibility in the Zodiac and can forge an easy yet deep connection. Both of these signs are looking for a true love match and have the emotional depth and commitment to care for each other through thick and thin.

With such great prospects, is there any reason to doubt Pisces and Cancer’s compatibility? Maybe. Cancer is focused on domestic life, while Pisces is highly creative and artistic. This means they may have different goals or find places where their interests unexpectedly fail to align. When this happens, the sensitivity of both signs can be a detriment: they can wound each other deeply and both struggle to let go of the hurt. However, when it comes to building a stable partnership, Cancer and Pisces compatibility is almost unmatched.Vivid Dreams - Pisces Card Necklace

Vivid Dreams - Pisces Card Necklace
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Vivid Dreams - Pisces Card Necklace
Pisces Healing Mantra: "Dive deeper into the oceans of your dreams"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Taurus and Cancer

A rock-solid Earth sign known for dedication and determination, Taurus makes for a natural match with Cancer. Although there are many places where the ocean and the shore do not overlap, they come together harmoniously and can balance each other’s bad sides. The commitment that both Cancer and Taurus seek will make them comfortable, loyal, and supportive of each other.

Taurus and Cancer’s enviable compatibility is a tale of two kinds of stability. Taurus has the deep grounding of the Earth, while Cancer has the cool depth of the ocean. Both of them look for deep, intentional partnerships and will make each other feel truly special. The downside of this connection comes from Cancer’s tenderness and Taurus’s bull-headedness. Taurus will have to avoid trampling over Cancer’s soft nature, and Cancer will have to be careful to avoid passive aggression and speak their mind.Remarkable Persistence - Taurus Card Necklace

Remarkable Persistence - Taurus Card Necklace
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Remarkable Persistence - Taurus Card Necklace
Taurus Healing Mantra- "Nothing can dim my light"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $179
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Sagittarius and Cancer

Tread cautiously with a match between the Archer and the Crab. As a Fire sign, Sagittarius can be intense, but their passion is also one of their greatest strengths. Cancer may need to stifle the urge to put a damper on Sagittarius, who will feel hurt and frustrated if their curiosity and exuberance aren’t respected. This relationship requires a lot of give and take to balance the differing needs of both partners.

Hope Sagittarius and Cancer’s compatibility comes from the age-old adage: opposites attract. With strong communication and healthy boundaries, these two can challenge each other to overcome their weaknesses and inspire a lasting connection.Philosophical Thought - Sagittarius Card Necklace

Philosophical Thought - Sagittarius Card Necklace
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Philosophical Thought - Sagittarius Card Necklace
Sagittarius Healing Mantra- "I fall, I rise, I am a warrior"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Aries and Cancer

Cancer and Aries’s compatibility has some major roadblocks. A Fire sign represented by the Ram, Aries is a warrior—impatient, dominating, exciting, and hotheaded. Cancer appreciates these qualities less than some other signs, finding Aries’s constant forward momentum alarming, while Aries is exhausted by Cancer’s sensitivity and desire for stability.
However, this partnership can find its footing with strong boundaries and curiosity about each other’s differences, rather than judgment. Since both Cancer and Aries feel strongly about their values, this can be a struggle. But for the committed couple, Aries and Cancer’s compatibility isn’t the end of the world: it’s just a reason to learn more about each other and build a sturdy foundation on which to grow.Fiery Soul - Aries Card Necklace

Fiery Soul - Aries Card Necklace
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Fiery Soul - Aries Card Necklace
Aries Healing Mantra - "Be the change you want to see in the world" The ultimate fighter of injustice, ‘ram’ is the symbol of Aries, show...
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Scorpio and Cancer

Though Scorpios are much more likely to be labeled “intense” than gentle Cancer, Scorpio and Cancer’s compatibility is surprisingly one of the strongest bonds in the Zodiac. Both Water signs, these two find plentiful common ground. Both of them crave trust and commitment like oxygen. Both are highly intuitive and emotional. Both are highly attuned to their partner’s needs and enjoy fulfilling them.

Cancer and Scorpio’s compatibility struggles somewhat when it comes to family and home life, with Scorpio representing change and transformation while Cancer seeks stability above all. Cancer may also feel singed by Scorpio’s intensity, and these two will have to be careful not to hurt each other. But with the strong communication and understandinghttps://www.karmaandluck.com/products/unlimited-potential-scorpio-card-necklace" target="_blank">Unlimited Potential - Scorpio Card Necklace

Unlimited Potential - Scorpio Card Necklace
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Unlimited Potential - Scorpio Card Necklace
Scorpio Healing Mantra - "I am born with a killer instinct, I am a real scorpion"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Aquarius and Cancer

At first glance, you might expect these signs to be highly compatible: after all, why wouldn’t a Water sign go with the Water-Bearer? But Aquarius, an Air sign, can be deeply challenging for Cancer. Cancer’s domain is domesticity and tradition; Aquarius, on the other hand, is rebellious and innovative, which may undermine the stable foundation on which Cancer wishes to build their life.

Cancer and Aquarius’s compatibility is not just threatened by what they want, but who they are. On the other hand, think of the best version of this relationship as the classic rebel-meets-girl-next-door: one brings passion and novelty to the dynamic, while the other brings calm and practicality. A true love connection between these two signs can develop with a clear-eyed understanding that they have very different needs.Charitable Spirit - Aquarius Card Necklace

Charitable Spirit - Aquarius Card Necklace
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Charitable Spirit - Aquarius Card Necklace
Aquarius Healing Mantra - " I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Capricorn and Cancer

Driven and ambitious, Capricorn (the Goat) can be a tricky yet compelling match for Cancer. These two signs occupy totally different realms. Capricorn is highly focused on success and measures success through social and work relationships, and may not view a quiet, comfortable home life as the same kind of achievement. However, this can enable Cancer and Capricorn to divide and conquer—as long as this couple is on the same page, they can help each other thrive.

Cancer and Capricorn’s compatibility is helped by the fact that both signs are socially sensitive and can look out for each other’s emotions and interests. Though they may seem like opposites at first, Capricorn and Cancer have values in common and can help balance each other’s excesses.Ambitious Mind - Capricorn Card Necklace

Ambitious Mind - Capricorn Card Necklace
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Ambitious Mind - Capricorn Card Necklace
Capricorn Healing Mantra - "Never give up is my survival code"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Gemini and Cancer

Free-spirited and whimsical, the Twins is an Air sign with plenty of pitfalls to navigate in a relationship with Cancer. The upside of this connection is that both Gemini and Cancer value emotional depth and strong connections; both are willing to dive into the deep end and swim. Unfortunately, Cancer and Gemini compatibility is sometimes limited by the things they seek in their relationships. Gemini can be fickle, seeking endless novelty to satisfy their curious nature, while Cancer craves routine and familiarity, which can make Gemini feel bored or tied down.

Highly social and energetic, Gemini often seeks a full and interesting life outside the home, with plentiful friendships and engagements, while Cancer is more focused on caring for fewer and deeper connections. This is a partnership which takes a lot of honesty and balance to make it work.Witty Mind - Gemini Card Necklace

Witty Mind - Gemini Card Necklace
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Witty Mind - Gemini Card Necklace
Gemini Healing Mantra - "Life is my favorite adventure and I shall try it"
Precio habitual $199 Precio de oferta $143
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Cancer and Cancer

While not every sign is its own best friend and soulmate, Cancer just might be. The union of two sensitive souls who desire calm, comfort, and endless emotional connection can be a dream come true. Patient and hard-working, with a strong romantic streak, two Cancers can form a match for life with neither of them straying or getting bored.

The downside of Cancer and Cancer compatibility is that these relationships can grow stagnant in other ways. These couples may not push each other to try new things or grow in new ways. They also may face communication pitfalls if neither party is assertive enough to break the silence first. Nonetheless, this is a sign which is truly capable of loving itself.Emotional Being - White Enamel Cancer Card Necklace

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