10 Top Gifts for Me: Splurge on Yourself - You're Worth It!


10 Top Gifts for Me

There's no shame in searching up the "top gifts for me!" After all, you know what you like best, you work hard, and you deserve to treat yourself to something.  

But there’s much more to choosing gifts for yourself than what you think. While we all delight in looking at beautiful things, there’s a psychology trail behind it.

When our gaze is fixed on an item of beauty, it triggers brain circuitry related to the aesthetic brain. As a result of the perceptual experience, the reward center gets activated, leading to powerful feelings of pleasure, relaxation and emotional wellbeing.

Our range of unique handcrafted items are definitely pleasing to the eye, but they’re much more too. Made with love by artisans from around the world, they’re imbued with spiritual symbolism and intentions to touch your soul and enrich your life.  

10 Top Gifts for Me

From spiritual jewelry to home decor, let's look at 10 of our favorite choices for anyone who is looking for the best gifts for me...

The Ultimate Symbol of Christianity

Handmade in the Holy Land, this becomes the centerpiece of faith in whatever home it graces. The Ultimate Believer Cross Symbol Wall Blessing is a source of strength in challenging times and an endless beacon of divine light, making it one of the best gifts for me during these hard times.

It’s set with symbols of the Holy Bible, Holy Water, Holy Sand and a range of healing crystals, each with its own properties. Whether used as a focal point for prayer and worship or to bless the family and household, no Christian home can be without it.

For Peace & Clarity of Mind

Gifts for Me

From Southeast Asia comes a work of art to protect your mental wellbeing and enhance mental clarity and peace. Glimmering Cubic Zirconia and Hematite crystals set in an evil eye symbol make up the Spirit Warden – Hematite Evil Eye Charm Bracelet.

Wear it daily to ward off negative vibes from the world around you and prevent anyone disturbing your positive inner mind and happiness. Feel how it keeps you grounded and focused on what deepens your life.

Let in the Light

Cross Gift

Flood your home with the light of the Christ-spirit with our Holy Light Wall Blessing crafted in the Holy Land. Potent healing crystals and a vial of Holy Sand surround the symbol of the Holy Bible in this distinct image of the Holy Cross.

Allow its symbolic presence to open the doors of your heart and home to endless blessings, joy, compassion and love. Sanctify your loved ones and home with faith and hope throughout the ups and downs of daily life.

Focus on the Solution, Not the Problem

We can’t control everything that happens in life, but we can choose how we respond, and we can choose "gifts for me" that help us through. Scarlett simplicity with an evil eye charm set with a gleaming Amethyst tells the world your spirit is sorted.

With a Beat Anxiety – Red String Amethyst Stone Bracelet on your wrist, you’re ready to take life as it comes. While the evil eye deflects negativity, the protective Amethyst calms, relieves stress, heals and guards your health. Living in peace in the here and now attracts an abundance of all kinds into your life.

Wherever the Road Takes You

Sometimes we travel by choice and other times out of necessity. Every trip holds a degree of risk, and knowing you’re protected brings peace of mind to yourself and those who love you.

Our Bless the Journey Traveler Keychain is the perfect talisman to ensure your and your loved ones safe return whenever you leave home. Whether it’s a daily commute, shopping trip, holiday or business travel, the Hamsa hand symbol protects the traveler from harm and ensures they return home safe and sound.

Discover Your Inner Oasis

Amethyst Tree

Commonly, we believe that what we seek lies in the external world. This attitude only serves to make us less fulfilled and more stressed. Only when we realize that everything we truly need already exists within can we grow in absolute confidence beyond the ego.

One of the best gifts for me are ones that fortify your soul, and keeping an Oasis Feng Shui Amethyst Crystal Tree of Life close by will do just that.

The Tree of Life is a timeless symbol of deep grounding, growth and fertility. Its delicate Amethyst leaves sparkle in purple hues bring calm, wellbeing, peace and harmony to any situation. The Agate base adds balance, harmony and stability. Go within and bask in this stunning tree’s soul energy.

Align Life With Your Chakras

Tree of Life Gift

We all possess an innate wisdom that’s intended to guide us through life. Sadly this ancient knowledge has been lost to many of us. As much as we have vital organs that sustain physical life, we have spirit centers too that preserve the soul.

The seven main chakras are located at the body’s core along the spinal column and up through the head. Each chakra plays a vital role in our health and wellbeing. Unhealthy chakras are one of the prime causes of our suffering today, but that can quickly be remedied.

If you want to improve your quality of life, our Strength & Growth Feng Shui Chakra Tree is what you need. Firmly rooted on an Agate base and with a kaleidoscope of vibrant crystal leaves, this tree brings you into the present moment. Free from burdens of the past and fear for the future, you’ll once again be in balance as you’re meant to be.   

Refuse To Be Swayed

You’ve chosen the path of righteousness and walk this world with grace and integrity. Despite that, life throws obstacles in your way to tempt you into straying. You might have to bend with the wind, but your faith and courage keep you resolute.

Cultivate your spiritual defenses with the formidable Walk with Integrity – Hematite Gold Tone Bracelet, one of the top gifts for me that is crafted with intention in Southeast Asia. Set in gold-tone beads, the evil eye symbol glistens with protective power. At the same time, Hematite stones keep you grounded, calm, focused and centered.

The Eternal Love of the Universe

Loneliness is a scourge of modern-day life. We’re continually connected online but often wholly disconnected in our hearts. The reality is that we’re never without the profound unconditional love of the Universe.

All we have to do is go within and tap into the infinite love that’s always there to embrace us. If you’re feeling a little lost and lonely in life, a Protected by Love Red String Heart Charm Bracelet is waiting to reassure and comfort you.

Handmade with love in Bali, this red string bracelet with a heart charm has a clean design and vital intention – to open your heart to the endless love flow of the Universe.

Let Your Light Shine

Evil Eye Red String Bracelet

When you allow the light of the divine to emanate from your soul, it reaches everyone you come into contact with and you become a beacon of spiritual light!

Unfortunately, shining lights of love, compassion, and truth can become the target of darkness that challenges purity. Keeping a Sacred Protection Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet on your arm acts as a shield against evil forces.

These gifts for me come with a caveat, too. The human mind is intricate and can be deceptive. We can easily fall into thoughts of envy and jealousy of others, which dims our light and leads us off track. Lead from your soul and meditate on the bracelet in times of doubt.

Final Thoughts

Gifts for me are fun and when done right, they can spark new levels of transformation and happiness in your life. That's what this article was all about.

But don’t forget the importance of gifting to others you don’t know and will never meet when you buy something for yourself or a loved one.

When we give with an open heart, the Universe responds a thousandfold.

We believe firmly in supporting charily and giving back. That's why every Red String Protection Bracelet you buy provides three meals to a needy family. Likewise, each Feng Shui tree sold sees a portion of the sales price donated to the Make a Wish Foundation.  

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." ~John Bunyan

Start Your Journey Here: Shop Our Holiday Gift Guide

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