Daily and Weekly Yoga Routine

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To get the max from your day, you have to learn how to self-manage, and that is notoriously a challenge for most of us. And there isn’t any cookie-cutter plan that everyone can follow because we’re all different.

What works for your co-worker won’t work for your neighbor and neither one of their plans won’t necessarily work for you. Why? Because we all have different energy levels to start with as well as different daily responsibilities and routines.

But one thing that we can all do to get the most out of our day is to improve our energy level which will improve our productivity. How can we do this? By tweaking our morning routine and our bedtime routine until we find what works the best.

Morning Yoga Routine

If you don’t have a morning exercise routine now, then you should establish one. Start with some stretches and slowly work up the reps and time you exercise.  Add some yoga into this new routine and if you already have an exercise routine, start adding some yoga in with it.

But before you start the exercise or the yoga, take a few minutes to meditate. Use this time to listen to music, read a book, pray, or whatever can help you ease into the day. During this quiet time, you can begin your yoga which will help you prepare for your exercises.

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Weekly Yoga Routine

If you can get your exercise routine up to where you’re burning as much as 500 calories a day, you’ll lose one pound a week. Exercise will also help firm and tone your body too. But exercise and yoga alone aren’t enough. You’ll need to get your diet in shape too. The following schedule will get you at 3,500 calories a week loss.


  • Cut out 200 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 60 minutes of jogging or walking cardio exercise: Burns 330 calories
  • 10 minutes stretching: Burns 40 calories
  • Total Deficit: 570 calories


  • Cut 50 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 30 minutes at 14 mph bike ride: Burn 270 calories
  • 60 minutes face paced yoga class of strength training & stretching: Burn 269 calories
  • Total Deficit: 589 calories


  • Cut 250 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 20-minute walk: Burn 66 calories
  • Total Deficit: 316 calories


  • Cut 50 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 60 minutes indoor cycling: Burn 413 calories
  • 20 minutes strength training: Burn 119 calories
  • Total Deficit: 655 calories


  • Cut 50 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 20 minutes running: Burn 180 calories
  • 60 minutes Ashtanga, Power, Vinyasa Yoga: Burn 269 calories
  • Total Deficit: 499 calories


  • Cut 100 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 60 minutes Zumba class: Burn 324 calories
  • 10 minutes arm & core workout: Burn 119 calories
  • 10 minutes stretching: Burn 40 calories
  • Total Deficit: 583 calories


  • Cut 250 calories for the day from your meal plan
  • 20-minute walk: Burn 60 calories
  • Total Deficit: 250 calories

Ending each day with 15 to 20 minutes meditation will help you relax and wind down for bedtime. The above is a suggested routine that you should arrange it so that it fits your personal schedule. Every week, add a different cardio and mix them up throughout the week. Always remember to stretch before and after exercising too as well having a day of rest every 2 or 3 days. This gives your body time to recover and rest.

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