Evil Eyes Meaning And The History Of Protection Evil Eye Jewelry

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Metaphysical Home Decor: Infuse Your Space With Good Energy

The metaphysical home decor of our collection is meaningfully designed to ward off evil energies and infuse new energy and confidence into your everyday life.

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Raise The Vibration Of Your Home With Evil Eye Charms

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Evil Eyes Meaning And The History Of Protection Evil Eye Jewelry
The symbolism of the Evil Eye has been omnipresent in many Eastern and Western cultures for over 3000 years. It was found in ancient Rome and Greece, and it became the symbol of protection in numerous religions. From Buddhism to...
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Metaphysical Home Decor: Infuse Your Space With Good Energy

The metaphysical home decor of our collection is meaningfully designed to ward off evil energies and infuse new energy and confidence into your everyday life.

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Raise The Vibration Of Your Home With Evil Eye Charms
Your home is a sacred place. It is where you should feel most comfortable and secure - your place to land after a busy or stressful day. As soon as you walk in the door, you should be welcomed with...
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Fill Your Living Space With Good and Positivity Energy
You’ve probably come across the term “feng shui” a couple of times. Feng shui is a formalized practice in China that has existed for many years and is observed all over the world. “Feng” means “wind”, while “shui” means “water”,...
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Add A Comma (,) and Raise Your Money Karma
Use a comma as a soft pause—a punctuation mark that separates words, clauses, or ideas within a sentence. Especially when people are being negative.
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How to Create and Live with Positive Intentions all Year
New Year's resolutions are a thing of the past. It is not even about a passing trend; the truth is that resolutions are not always reasonable in the long run, and most of us give up in the first month....
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Why You Need Octobers Birthstone Tourmaline
 Tourmaline is the earth's most colorful mineral and gemstone. Who isn't obsessed with their birth month, year, and horoscope? Millions of people. What is so cool about each zodiac sign is that every month (as you already know) has a...
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Our Black Friday Shopping Guide for Spiritually-Centered Gifts
17 Best Xmas Gifts for Women, Men, Kids & the Home
20 Top Gifts for the Holidays: For Him, Her & the Home
10 Top Gifts for Me: Splurge on Yourself - You're Worth It!
The Karma and Luck Guide to Buying Meaningful Gifts
20 Best Gifts to Receive if You Love Spiritually-Centered Items
Spreading festive love and cheer begins with inner happiness. When we are at peace with ourselves, we access true joy. Finding the best gifts to receive and even buying yourself a gift is a form of self-appreciation. It promotes self-love, which allows us to love others unconditionally.  
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Special Christmas Gifts: Your Guide to the Best Gifts for Everyone in Your Life
Special Christmas gifts allow us to give from our hearts and communicate with the language of love. Without words we can convey our deepest feelings and reach people we love, whether near or far. Our spiritually-centered Xmas gifts will touch your loved one's heart and soul.
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How to Shop and Give Back at the Same Time This Holiday Season
If you want to know how to shop and give back at the same time this holiday season, we make it easier than ever for you. You can quickly touch the lives of others. When you buy a Feng Shui Tree of Life or Red String Bracelet, you give back to people in need and spread festive love and compassion.
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Our Black Friday Shopping Guide for Spiritually-Centered Gifts
Ready to shop right for the holidays and with the best intentions? With this Black Friday Shopping guide, you can buy stunning and meaningful gifts for the festive season. Our range of spiritually centered gifts and spectacular Black Friday discounts will leave you and your loved ones in awe.
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17 Best Xmas Gifts for Women, Men, Kids & the Home
Selecting Xmas gifts for those you love might be more challenging this year but not if you opt to buy beautiful spiritually centered gifts from our online catalogue. We have gift ideas for any age and for the home. Blessing someone with a gift from the soul for the soul is a gift to last a lifetime.
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20 Top Gifts for the Holidays: For Him, Her & the Home
Are you at a loss when it comes to finding top gifts for the holidays? We have a wide range of options that will touch their soul and heal the world. The more people who embrace the true spirit of gifting, the more healing energy we spread.
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10 Top Gifts for Me: Splurge on Yourself - You're Worth It!
While it seems that looking at gifts for me is all about appearances, beautiful objects take us much deeper. They bring feelings of pleasure and relaxation and contributes to emotional wellbeing. When they are handcrafted with love they also touch the soul.
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Find the Perfect Home Gifts for the Ones You Love
Best Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer, Plus a Beautiful Pink Gift of Hope
15 New Jewelry Arrivals & Beyond: Uplift, Awaken, Beautify
Spiritual Home Decor: How to Protect Your Home Spiritually ( House & Rooms Energy Protection Decor Ideas )
12 Best Ways How To Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home: House Spiritual Cleaning
The Karma and Luck Guide to Buying Meaningful Gifts
Buying meaningful gifts has little to do with cost or our likes and dislikes and more to do with others. When we love someone we know them and that gives us insight into their soul. When two souls connect through a gift that item becomes a timeless reminder of the exceptional bond we share.
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Find the Perfect Home Gifts for the Ones You Love
Selecting home gifts for the one you love is an exercise in gratitude and appreciation. Each spiritually-based gift brings a special intention and unique energies into the home that alter the vibrational energies. Consider your deepest wish for your loved one and find a gift that declares it.
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Best Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer, Plus a Beautiful Pink Gift of Hope
Thanks to reliable medical information and advice, mammograms, and self-education, today we can learn more about and practice different ways to prevent breast cancer. Although it’s one of the most common cancers, it can be successfully cured and treated when proper prevention measures are taken.
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15 New Jewelry Arrivals & Beyond: Uplift, Awaken, Beautify
The temperatures are tiptoeing down the thermometer, heralding in the autumn season – a time of colorful leaves, hand-knitted scarves, and new boots. Protect your physical, mental, and spiritual health through the changing weather. Fall for our new arrivals of stunning jewelry and inspiring décor!
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Spiritual Home Decor: How to Protect Your Home Spiritually ( House & Rooms Energy Protection Decor Ideas )
Knowing how to protect your home spiritually and using certain energy protection tools can transform the energy of your space, raising its frequency and supporting your growth. Use these tips to help!
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12 Best Ways How To Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home: House Spiritual Cleaning
Everything around us is made of energy, starting with you and even drilling it down to animals, nature, and our surroundings. As most of us know, it is very easy for negative energy to build up and bring us down....
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