How to Create and Live with Positive Intentions all Year

New Year's resolutions are a thing of the past. It is not even about a passing trend; the truth is that resolutions are not always reasonable in the long run, and most of us give up in the first month.

Instead, let's focus on our "intentions" and develop them into sustainable goals by changing our mindset and energy and increasing our positive vibrations.

Implementing Daily Mindful Practice

Although the concept of mindfulness is omnipresent, not many people truly practice it daily; once you understand its value and power, it will change your mind, pun fully intended. Only by mindfully immersing in your environment and experiences frequently will you be able to see the full benefits of mindful creating.

Since implementing mindful practices in daily life can be hard at times, it is essential to divide your experiences and objects into chunks. This way, you will begin to grasp the importance and value, and it will shift so many areas of your world in a positive direction.

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Waking With Intention

You wake up every day, but are you genuinely mindful and grateful? This daily practice will help. By natural order, first, notice your body and your senses.

Begin moving and stretching your arms and legs, and be fully aware of your movement and position. Take five deep breaths of gratitude and stretch.

You will begin to realize that your body is an essential starting point for everything you wish to accomplish that day.

Mala beads are also a beautiful reminder of setting and living in your intentions. Mala beads are made of gemstones that match the intention of your practice.

Conscious Eating With Intention

Are you consciously planning your meals for the week? It's so awesome to create healthily and even cheat meals for the week ahead. There is a lot of power in putting the time and energy into what will give your body the nutrition it needs.

Then, when you sit down for every meal and start eating, try to look at the food as the ultimate fuel for your body.

Cherish each bite and embrace the nutrients that essentially make your body do what you want it to do. And if you're so inclined, throw in a bit of gratitude before each meal. The Universe loves when you love and reciprocate.

Relationships With Intention

2020 unintentionally hit the relationship reset button with our friends, family, and social distancing from our co-workers. Let's stretch that out in 2021 and realize that "relationships with intentions" are essential.

The people whom you surround yourself with should, for all intents and purpose, make you feel special and vice-versa. Take a needed friendventory and make a list of those you think to empower you to be the most excellent version of yourself and focus on building those relationships.

The same goes for work and family. And above all, don't forget to build a relationship with the most important this year, YOU!

Check Out: Our Chakra Jewelry Symbol Collections

Stay Inspired and Explore Yourself

Do you know what would ultimately really create a positive shift in your life? Doing a little bit of introspection every day. Here are a few questions that can help push and guide you to various areas of your life that could use intention. Answer them honestly and keep it inspired. 

  • What pushes me every day?
  • What do I do that makes me feel the happiest?
  • What activities help me reach my highest purpose?

Also, it would be best if you didn’t omit the negative clause questions either:

  • What are the things around me that do not make me feel happy and satisfied?
  • With whom can I not be myself around?
  • What are the useless distractions around me?

    Gratitude With Intention

    Appreciating everything and all the goodness your environment brings into your life will create a brand-new perspective for 2021. Our Karma and Luck authentic gemstones can keep you balanced, focused, protected, and filled with love. What is your focus and intention to pave your way to mindfulness? 

    Check Out: Our Womens Birthstone Jewelry Collections

    Spread Love & Tenderness

    Finally, love is the cohesive element of everything that is the most important in life. We must spread love to receive it in return. But, modern life's stress and pace sometimes hinder us from feeling the love and gratitude we so deserve every day.

    Explore the delicate and subtle Rose QuartzRed String ProtectionTree of Life, or Lotus symbols and stones, infusing love and joy in every aspect of your life. Wearing a bracelet or necklace with a few of these symbols always works to mold your life to the best it can be. You deserve everything your heart desires.

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