12 Women’s Inspirational Bracelets: Charms & Red String to Improve Your Life

Women’s Inspirational Bracelets

Karma and Luck’s collection of inspirational bracelets for women captures the magical essence of alluring and sacred lands, such as Jaipur, Bangkok, Istanbul, and Bali for a spirit-centered modern lifestyle.

The year is coming to an end, offering a brief pause to reflect on everything we have learned during this period of time. What experiences have made our hearts expand? What thoughts and beliefs have we cast aside and exchanged for others more connected to our outlook on life?

Our collection of women's inspirational bracelets accompanies our inner processes while deflecting any negative vibes that are discouraging us from pursuing our self-discovery journey.

One year ends, but a new one begins with renewed purpose, hopes, and challenges to empower and help us become our best version.

Exuberant Optimism  -  Red String Chain Hamsa Bracelet.
Exuberant Optimism - Red String Chain Hamsa Bracelet.
あなたの顔を日差しに保ち、あなたは影を見ることができません。成長は決して簡単、特に精神的な成長です。 "Exuberant Optimism - Red String Chain Hamsa Bracelet"はあなたの感覚にとって注意深い子守唄です。 Hamsaと人生...
通常価格 $129
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12 Women’s Inspirational Red String Bracelets

The red string is used in ancient cultures, religions, and traditions as a symbol of divine protection.

Our collection of inspirational bracelets for women is handcrafted with red string from the most sacred places on earth to direct the flow of positive energy straight to our hearts.

For Positive Outcomes

We are empowered and independent women with fertile projects aimed at making a positive impact on our lives and the world around us.

If you need a little pick-me-up to give you the focus and endurance to ensure positive outcomes for your latest projects, choose one of our women's inspirational bracelets to keep you company…

“Positive Outcome” Evil Eye Red String Bracelet

Positive Outcome Bracelet

肯定的な結果 - 赤い弦の邪眼のチャームブレスレット
肯定的な結果 - 赤い弦の邪眼のチャームブレスレット
あなたがどこへ行っても正のエネルギーを囲みます。ユビキタスの悪い目の魅力はあなたを前進させる優秀な兵士です。それはあなたの一日のあらゆる面で存在し、状況に関係なく、否定的なエネルギーを追い払う。邪悪な考えと悪い意図はあなたの手首の周りの私たちの強大な「肯定的な結果 - 赤い...
通常価格 $99
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Positive energies are always surrounding us, available to those who are open enough to receive them.

Our Positive Outcome - Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet wards off negative energies and limiting beliefs blocking our connection with the Source of Boundless Possibilities. The Evil Eye charm won’t let any ill intentions dampen yyour enthusiasm or keep you from reaching the finish line of your goals.

“Obstacle Crusher” Lotus Red String Bracelet

inspirational bracelets for women

忍耐の達人である人は他のすべてのマスターです。 Lotusはあなたがあなたの不安を上回り、あなたを倒した負担を手放すことを可能にする強力な花のシンボルです。私たちの本物の障害物クラッシャーレッドストリングLotus Charm Braceletは、あなたが始めるすべての啓発...
通常価格 $89
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Most of the obstacles that stand in our way are found within us. Our Obstacle Crusher Red String Lotus Charm Bracelet cleanse our minds of limiting beliefs and imposed mandates to free the path of evolution. The lotus flower charm transforms our insecurities into pearls of wisdom, turning us into role models to follow.

“Prevent Harm” Evil Eye Red String Bracelet

We could spend a lifetime striving to heal the ancient wounds inherited from our ancestors and past lives. But there is a way to rise above our conditions and not allow painful experiences to keep us from reaching our full potential.

Our Prevent Harm - Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet is designed to keep jealousy, anger, and any harm away from our surroundings and intentions. It transforms negative energies into positive outcomes, leading to a more meaningful life.

For Inner Strength & Peace

The following women’s inspirational bracelets are handcrafted to help us find peace, purpose, and meaning in the midst of our hectic modern lives. The universal symbols of protection found in these bracelets keep anxiety at bay and empower us to go after our dreams, no matter how challenging or ambitious.

“Stand in Strength” Elephant Charm Red String Bracelet

“Stand in Strength” Elephant Charm Red String Bracelet

セリーヌソウル - チャクラレッドストリングOMチャームブレスレット
セリーヌソウル - チャクラレッドストリングOMチャームブレスレット
静けさは静けさを意味し、困難な状況でも内部平和感を維持し、落ち着いています。それは心と精神の興奮のない状態です。あなたの精神が気軽に感じているならば、私たちの魅惑的な「Serene Soul - Chakra Red String Om Charm Bracelet」と...
通常価格 $59
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Elephants are lucky symbols of protection that cultivate our inner peace and focus, regardless of external chaos.

Our Stand In Strength - Red String Elephant Charm Bracelet symbolizes endurance, strength, and happiness while overcoming our life’s challenges. Our inner peace is the last thing we should jeopardize in our lives.

“Serene Soul” Chakra OM Red String Bracelet

“Serene Soul” Chakra OM Red String Bracelet

自然のペースを採用します。秘密は忍耐です。 自分の人生がコントロールされていないと感じるか、あるいは物事がそれを気に入らないように感じるときは、私たちの ethereal ブレスレットに登場する Jade の石があなたのやり直しだ。 幸運の仏を中心に、私たちの Serene...
通常価格 $69
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Spiritual-centered people keep their serenity and inner peace intact, regardless of the circumstances.

Our Serene Soul - Chakra Red String OM Charm Bracelet releases us from external conditioning and puts us back in control of our impulses and reactions. That way, we can keep pursuing our dreams confidently, knowing that our inner master is the one calling the shots.

“Serene Reflections” Jade Buddha Red String Wrap Bracelet

“Serene Reflections” Jade Buddha Red String Wrap Bracelet

カルミックパワー - チャクラレッドストリングブレスレット
カルミックパワー - チャクラレッドストリングブレスレット
あなたの最高の自己の美しさに目覚めています。今、あなたが誰であるかを受け入れる瞬間です。私たちの一人種の「カルミックパワー - チャクラレッドストリングブレスレット」を着用してください。神聖なチャクラの象徴主義は、すべての感覚や感情を融合し、本物の調和を喚起します。各治癒宝...
通常価格 $59
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Jade is a healing crystal that attracts abundance and good luck into our lives, while the Buddha and Hamsa Charm protect us from daily stress and worries.

Our Serene Reflections Jade Buddha Red String Wrap aligns us with the sacred tides of the spiritual realm to grant us patience and serenity, even amidst the most challenging circumstances.

inspirational bracelets for women

For Energy Balance 

People who are receptive to the spiritual world often drain their subtle energies as they deal with their day-to-day activities. The following women's inspirational bracelets create an aura of protection in our vibrational field so that vitality and motivation will never be lacking.

“Vigorous Alignment” Chakra Evil Eye Red String Bracelet

We are designed to use our full potential to meet the ambitious challenges we set for ourselves every day. However, constant distractions prevent us from unleashing our spiritual strength.

Our Vigorous Alignment - Chakra Evil Eye Red String Bracelet aligns our thoughts, feelings, and actions while warding off any negative energy from our surroundings to keep our vitality and motivation intact.

“Karmic Power” Chakra Red String Bracelet

women's inspirational bracelets

バランスのとれた理解 -  Enamel Chakra Bar Red Stringブレスレット
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バランスのとれた理解 - Enamel Chakra Bar Red Stringブレスレット
私たちのより高い目的で共鳴する人生を生きる際には、バランスのとれた精神の喜びを発見します。あなたのエネルギーが各チャクラクリスタルの流れと方向を使って、成功へのあなたの道を合理化し、そして願いを満たしましょう。 「バランスのとれた理解 - Enamel Chakra Ba...
通常価格 $119 セールスプライス $95
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When one of our seven chakras is blocked, we feel insecure, tired, and unwilling to find our true calling or fulfill our most simple desires. The Karmic Power - Chakra Red String Bracelet aligns our chakras and infuses new energy into our activities, fostering creativity, wisdom, and strength in our actions. 

“Balanced Understanding” Chakra Bar Red String Bracelet

“Balanced Understanding” Chakra Bar Red String Bracelet

無限の至福 - 赤文字列インフィニティチャームブレスレット
無限の至福 - 赤文字列インフィニティチャームブレスレット
あなたは現在に住んでいて、すべての波で自分自身を打ち上げ、各瞬間にあなたの永遠を見つけなければなりません。繊細な「無限の至福 - 赤の文字列の無限大チャームブレスレット」を着用してください。中心部の強大な無限大記号は、あなたの隣に隣の幸福と永遠の愛に対するあなたの欲求を表し...
通常価格 $59
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We are all entitled to have a miraculous and abundant life. However, years of invalidation, limiting beliefs, and insecurities trick us into thinking that a mediocre life is all we could ever aspire for.

The Balanced Understanding - Enamel Chakra Bar Red String Bracelet cleanses our souls from these false conditionings, evoking genuine harmony, confidence, and vitality within our hearts.

For Happiness & Growth

Happiness is the natural state of all sentient beings on Earth. Sadness, demotivation, and anguish are manifestations of disconnection from our spiritual core.

These women’s inspirational bracelets foster this natural state of joy and growth while deflecting the harmful energies and ancient concerns hidden within our hearts.

“Endless Bliss” Infinity Red String Bracelet

“Endless Bliss” Infinity Red String Bracelet

あなたは本当に飛ぶことができる前にあなたは自己保護の障壁を超えなければなりません。あなた自身の道を完璧な運命に身につけるために、あなたは非常に象徴的な象徴主義の力に自分を浸す必要があります。 Rainbowのようなチャクラに富んだ私たちの赤い弦は、展望を確実に明るくするもの...
通常価格 $99
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In the past, social and religious mandates made our ancestors unable to express their joy and fortune openly, making them feel guilty every time they enjoyed a blissful moment.

The Endless Bliss - Red String Infinity Charm Bracelet releases those ancient beliefs and encourages us to feel blissful and fortunate 24/7, attracting even more success and abundance to our lives.

“Joyful Journey” Chakra Red String Bracelet

“Joyful Journey” Chakra Red String Bracelet

分岐運命 - 赤のひもの木の魅力の魅力ブレスレット
分岐運命 - 赤のひもの木の魅力の魅力ブレスレット
同じ古いものをする価格は変更の価格よりはるかに高いです。小さな種子から苗木まで完全に成熟するまで、木は成長の継続的なサイクルです。人間として、私たちは成長を止めるのをやめないが、新しい情報や知識を絶えず吸収する。 「分岐運命 - 赤の弦楽木の赤い弦楽木」は、あなたの成長を美...
通常価格 $89
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Happiness is not something that randomly happens to a few lucky people. It’s a decision we must commit to sustaining every day of our lives. The Joyful Journey - Gold-Plated Chakra Red String Bracelet boosts our self-confidence and releases our mental concerns so we can lead the joyful life we are meant to experience.

“Branching Destiny” Tree of Life Red String Bracelet

The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol of strength that represents growth, fertility, and conscious grounding. The Branching Destiny - Red String Tree Of Life Charm Bracelet fosters our soul’s evolution and propels us to change, even when we don’t feel confident.

We are all special beings with unique missions to fulfill on Earth. Don’t let your negative self-talk trick you into thinking otherwise.


Final Thoughts 

Like a seed, everything we need for our soul to blossom with strength and joy is within us, eager to spread its branches to serve the evolution of the world we live in.

Our collection of women’s inspirational bracelets doesn’t bring to your life anything that you do not already possess in the form of potential. These bracelets are simply catalysts that ward off negative vibes and allow your spiritual roots to grow without interruption. Start Your Journey Here: Shop Women’s Red String Bracelets

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