How to Start a Crystal Collection: 3 Beginner Tips & What Crystals to Buy

Crystal Collection

On September 16th, we celebrate National Collect Rocks Day. If you haven’t started collecting crystals and gemstones yet, this is the perfect time to turn to nature and begin the search for crystals that resonate with you.

Crystals take hundreds of years to form, and in that time, they accumulate dense positive energy from Gaia. Their vibration is dictated by the laws of nature and can help us tune in to the healing power of Mother Earth

Every stone has its own one-of-a-kind energy that impacts our energy fields and now is the perfect time to create your authentic crystal collection!

collecting crystals

3 Beginner Tips for Collecting Crystals

Starting a collection of authentic stones begins with intuitively selecting and tuning into the power of crystals. To start a collection that will resonate with you, consider these tips…

Buy Curated Healing Crystal Kits

Curated healing crystals are carefully selected to match a specific intention based on their properties and unique nature. Every set includes a group of matching crystals that together amplify a specific intent and work together to eliminate a specific blockage or help us manifest a concrete goal.

To purchase crystals based on a theme or intention, explore Karma and Luck’s Mineral Intention Box Collection.

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Spend Time With Your Crystals

Crystals have a healing frequency, but they won’t do much for you if they just sit on a shelf. To truly benefit from your crystal collection, it is important to exchange and immerse your frequency with their healing vibration by interacting with them.

Meditate with your crystals, hold them, tune into them, or carry them with you. Include them in your daily routine and expose yourself to their vibration as frequently as possible. This will help you connect with them on a profound level and become more attuned to the energy of each crystal in your collection.

Collect Different Colored Stones

Every crystal has unique healing properties and a color that resonates with a specific chakra. Aligning selected stones with our energetic centers can help promote the flow of Qi through our energetic core. Color resonance helps unblock, balance, and activate chakras, so collecting crystals that resonate with the chakras supports meditation and healing.

Lower chakras resonate with black, brown, yellow, orange, and red crystals, while upper chakras are associated with blue, green, indigo, purple, and white stones. Selecting a crystal for each chakra ensures that all chakra centers are stimulated, providing a balanced flow of energy at all times. 

What Stones to Buy for Your Crystal Collection 

Every stone has its transformative power and unique healing properties. When assembling your crystal kit, consider selecting the following essentials… 

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz magnifies the healing power of love and brings compassion, a sense of connection, and balance into our energetic space. Having it in your collection will help harmonize your frequency, ignite self-love, and bring peace and gentleness into your aura.

Rose Quartz can help open the heart chakra so that you can feel at home giving and receiving unconditional support, understanding, and kindness. It can elevate the quality of your relationships, helping you connect heart-to-heart, while inspiring a positive exchange of energy.

Rose Quartz collecting gemstones


To promote profound inner healing and cleanse your energy, incorporate Amethyst into your crystal collection. With the powerful soothing effect that it has, Amethyst has been shown to counteract negative vibrations, providing solace and stress relief after a long day. 

It has the power to magnify psychic abilities, boost intuition, and offer support for spiritual growth. Amethyst highlights our connection with the Divine and higher intelligence, heightening our awareness and truth.



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Black Tourmaline

Being one of the most potent psychic protection stones, Black Tourmaline improves energetic resilience, counteracts negative forces, and helps strengthen our will. It has a grounding effect and can help you stay centered and focused on what matters and release negative thoughts and patterns that no longer serve your highest good.

In spiritual practice, Black Tourmaline not only shields us from harmful energy, but also acts as a source of empowerment, boosting self-confidence.

Black Tourmaline

Green Aventurine

Collecting gemstones like Green Aventurine supports manifestation, nourishes the emotional self, heals the heart space, and provides soothing energy for emotional wounds. Incorporating it into your collection of crystals can invite prosperity, good fortune, and blessings into your energetic and physical space.

As a revitalizing crystal, it promotes the release of negative emotions and can help you replenish and rejuvenate, inspiring positive change from within.


Having Citrine in your crystal collection can spark creativity and bring optimism and joy into your life. Known as a crystal of light and positivity, Citrine attracts and helps accumulate high vibration experiences, people, and energy, bringing in an energy of expansion and optimism. 

Encouraging spontaneity, Citrine boosts confidence and strengthens willpower, offering incredible assistance for actualizing ambitions and goals.



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Clear Quartz

As a purifying crystal that amplifies the healing properties of other crystals, Clear Quartz is a collection essential. This crystal brings clarity of thought and perception and promotes the flow of Chi through the body while enhancing a sense of enlightenment and deeper insights. 

Clear Quartz is a balancing force that can purify your energetic field, providing calming energy for mental, emotional, and physical wounds. It can assist you in your quest to find a higher purpose and boost your intuition, while helping you feel present and comfortable in the now.

Clear Quartz



By including Hematite in your crystal collection, you’ll have access to a source of grounding and calming energy to help you solidify your aspirations and bring them to reality. Hematite improves focus and highlights discernment and determination, aiding decision-making and learning.

It helps to eliminate anxiety and stress, allowing us to tap into our power and regain our strength. It assists problem-solving and aims to reduce perceived obstacles and unfavorable thinking patterns that prevent us from living boldly and authentically in alignment with our truth.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper ignites passion and amplifies personal strength and stamina. As a crystal that boosts mental discipline and blocks distractions, it can assist you as you reach for your dreams, improving your focus and sharpening your determination. It can help you find your path and stay on course, preventing doubt, fear, and self-sabotage.

While inspiring you to follow the inner flame, this crystal can also help you persevere and stay centered and laser focused. 

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of wisdom, truth, and enlightenment. Selecting it for your crystal collection is a chance to amplify your connection with the Universal intelligence and your spirit guides. It can accompany you in search of truth when you most need it, supporting inner healing work through elevating consciousness.

This is a stone that can help you assimilate experiences, master life lessons, and decipher the subconscious and messages from the higher self.

Lapis Lazuli

Tiger’s Eye

A potent confidence booster, Tiger’s Eye enhances willpower, allowing us to actualize our fullest potential. A stone of courage and stamina, it mends the opposing sides of reality, helping us feel both balanced and energized.

Collecting gemstones like Tiger’s Eye can help you find a healthy way to channel assertiveness and will, inspiring you to take a leadership role in your life and exercise mental and physical strength. It can help you gain clarity about who you are striving to become, simultaneously inspiring you to take concise action in the physical realm to bring plans to fruition.


Smoky Quartz

To bring serenity and create inner and outer equilibrium, enrich your crystal collection with Smoky Quartz. Being both stabilizing and uplifting, this crystal allows us to create a harmonious environment for self-development and growth.

It provides continuous energetic cleansing, wards off evil, and attracts beneficial experiences. Smoky Quartz can help you create an oasis of calmness and stability and find inner peace, all while inspiring you to dream big and follow your flame. 

Smoky Quartz

 Final Thoughts

Incorporating crystals into your spiritual practices supports personal growth in both physical and material reality. Carefully selected crystal kits increase the flow of beneficial energy and will surely be an ultimate pillar for spiritual evolution, instigating positive changes in all areas of life.  Start Your Journey Here: Shop Our Crystal & Mineral Collection


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