20 Best Gifts to Receive if You Love Spiritually-Centered Items

Best Gifts to Receive

Are you so busy ticking things off your to-do list that you forget about yourself and what gifts you would love to receive from others?

Since we tend to not communicate our preferences, we end up with loads of gifts that we’d rather not have, give awkward thanks, and then feel guilty. Wouldn't it be better to make a list of gifts to receive?

You can subtly influence the gift-buying decisions of your loved ones by finding gifts you love and then casually dropping delicate hints. After all, the art of buying meaningful gifts involves both expressing our desires and hearing what others say.

When in doubt, give a gift card!

While jewelry and accessories are often seen as showpieces, spiritually-centered items remind us of our potential and faith. We can call on their energy at any time, whether it’s just to relax in quiet meditation or cope with stress.

Fiery Luck - Jade Evil Eye Charm Wrap
Fiery Luck - Jade Evil Eye Charm Wrap
It is through solving problems correctly that we grow spiritually. We are never given a burden unless we have the capacity to overcome it...
Regular price $69
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20 Best Gifts to Receive if You Love Spiritual Items

Do spiritually-centered objects of beauty crafted with pure intentions and mindfulness attract your attention?

In that case, this list of the 20 best gifts to receive will enchant you. 

Just don't forget, it doesn't stop there! There’s plenty more in our extensive online catalog.

Red String

Wearing red string is a practice that traverses time, cultures and religions. As a result, it’s not rigid and can be interpreted in a way that resonates with you.

A common thread that runs through all traditions is the red string’s connection with kindness and compassion and that it brings harmony, faith, good fortune, protection, and strength to the wearer.

Although red string is most commonly worn as a bracelet, it works just as well as a necklace.

Red String Gifts for Me

Women’s Red String Collection

Sometimes, it feels as if we’re constantly walking into the wind, and as one problem is resolved, another rears its head. In this case, red string bracelets make great gifts to receive.

The Obstacle Crusher Red String Lotus Charm Bracelet is perfect for getting through these tough times. The delicate lotus flower charm attracts the energy of new beginnings, enlightenment, and fertility, reminding us that this too shall pass.

Our Lead By Intuition Red String Moon Charm Bracelet and Spiritual Counsel Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet are excellent in times of change that require guidance. Feminine lunar energy strengthens our intuition and perception. To hear the Divine, though, we must go inwards. Sitting in silence under the protection of the evil eye allows us to tap into spiritual guidance.

Access inner peace by meditating with the Soothing Tranquilizer Evil Eye Amethyst Red String Necklace, allowing the healing, calming energy of Amethyst to flow through you. Only when we access inner peace do we realize there are endless possibilities when we open up to divine consciousness.

Awareness, however, needs to be maintained because the human mind is quick to stray. Wearing a Potential Possibilities Buddha Lotus Double String Red Necklace serves as a constant reminder of the boundless prospects available to us.

Pendants make the perfect gifts to receive, especially when you're looking to keep your chakras balanced. Because a pendant aligns with the spine, its energy is aligned with the seven spirit centers. A Triple Protector - Gold Evil Eye Red String Necklace keeps us connected to our higher self and in tune with divine guidance and intentions.

Men’s Red String Collection

Energy doesn’t die as the physical body does, so the powers that protected our ancestors still shield us today. To draw on the life force that sustained those who came before an Ancient Protection Silver Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet keeps us connected across time.

Knowing we’re protected gives us the confidence to face the world head-on and live life on life’s terms. Wearing a Brave Gaze Red String Matte Onyx Evil Eye Bracelet keeps this at the forefront of our minds each and every day.

Facing life directly, though, means we must practice truth in all matters, including being completely honest with ourselves. Authentic honesty, however, takes guts! The Sacred Truth Silver Red String Mantra Bracelet brings courage and spirit energy forth to keep us on the path of absolute truthfulness. 

Our Mighty Protector Tiger’s Eye Stone Wrap Bracelet does a superb job boosting courage when we need it in everyday life. Courageous, balanced energies from Tiger’s Eye stones merge with the protection of the hamsa hand, creating an unflinching shield of protection that knows no bounds.

Guys who want to make an understated bold statement will be captivated by the green and red brilliance of the Fiery Luck Jade Evil Eye Charm Wrap.  Centered with a protective evil eye, jade stones attract abundance and prosperity.

Nonetheless, no matter how prosperous we are, if we’re irresponsible, all the good fortune that comes to us will run through our fingers. 

Stability comes through our strength of character and wisdom, and the elephant is an awe-inspiring symbol of both. Wearing a Protection & Stability Silver Elephant Pair Red String Bracelet allows what’s manifested to remain and develop and mature, and that certainly makes a great gift to receive.

Fiery Luck - Jade Evil Eye Charm Wrap

Grateful Soul - Red String Hamsa Charm Bracelet
Grateful Soul - Red String Hamsa Charm Bracelet
It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up. Cherish your inner being with our subtle "G...
Regular price $69
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Colorful Bracelets With a Purpose  

Spiritual bracelets also make great gifts to receive because they stay in our line of vision when we wear them, allowing us to see and appreciate their beauty and significance all the time. Worn singularly and in multiples by both sexes throughout history and across cultures, bracelets portray beauty, beliefs, culture, or religion.

A bright splash of color can cheer us on even in the dullest moment. When it’s charged with positive energy, anything is possible. As we love healing bracelets, we want to share these vibrant pieces with you to brighten your day.

For Passion, Energy & Health

The Spirit Of Love Garnet Stone Wrap Bracelet blazes with fiery Garnets bringing passion, energy, and health into your life. It’s graced with a delicate heart charm to add a flaming kiss of love.

For Balance & Calm

All passion needs balance; otherwise, it can get out of control. Amethysts bring balance and calm to any situation. Regularly wearing a Divine Balance Amethyst Hamsa Wrap Bracelet helps bring the balance, harmony, order, and rhythm necessary for true happiness.

For Resilience & Strength

Navigating life’s hurdles requires grit and flexibility. The multicolored Resilience & Strength Lapis Onyx Turquoise Wrap Bracelet is here to reinforce gratitude and appreciation. That way, we stay connected to your spirit guides.

For the Path to Healing

Everyone needs healing from time to time, and it’s not a journey we need to take alone. The intense green Path To Healing Wrap Bracelet set with the healing Eye of Horus will guide you from the darkness into the light when things get challenging.

Green links to the heart chakra, our healing center, and sits at the center of the color spectrum. Consequently, it accesses both the physical and spiritual self.

Colorful Bracelets

Home Décor

Home is the place where we can be ourselves and know we’re loved and appreciated just as we are. A house, however, doesn’t become a home as soon as we drop our furniture and belongings there. That's why home decor makes some of the best gifts to receive.

A place to live becomes our home when we fill it with loving energy and our personality. We bring our culture, religion, and beliefs into a home, as well, and that’s what creates a safe place where we’re at peace.

Accessories and home décor express our innermost selves and our deepest hopes, dreams, and honest intentions.

Home Decor Gifts to Receive

Wall Blessings

Every home should be blessed and protected, making Wall Blessings the perfect solution. The more we reaffirm our appreciation and gratitude for what we have, the more abundance we attract into the home.

Who doesn’t want love, prosperity, success, and happiness flowing in and out of their home with loads of stability?

The Growth In Grace Wall Blessing brings to life the deepest desires and blessings we wish for our home. Dominated by the deeply rooted Tree of Life, set in the symbolic protection of a hamsa hand, various authentic gemstones resonate with positive energy.

Every home needs protection. And as much as we need bars and locks to keep the baddies out, we also need spiritual protection. Spiritual harm doesn’t come from evil spirits only. Wrongful thinking, the ego and emotions such as anger, jealousy, and greed can do far more harm than any burglar.

Hanging protective symbols like the evil eye and hamsa hand above each door guards against dark energies and our own thoughts and actions. The Serene Mind Copper Enamel OM Hamsa Wall Blessing brings awareness into the collective spiritual consciousness of the home and everyone who lives there.

Wall Blessings

Feng Shui Tree of Life

Add to the home blessing by placing beautiful Feng Shui Trees in each room. Trees represent stability and the natural cycles of life, growth, death, and rebirth. They impart their timeless wisdom and remind us that the sun shines again even after the darkest winter.

An Aligned In Harmony Multi Stone Chakra Feng Shui Tree makes an impeccable centerpiece for the heart of the home. A multitude of healing and restoring stones each bring their own vibration to absorb toxic emotions and maintain joy, vitality, and harmony.

Tree of Life Gifts for Me

Crystal Singing Bowls

No matter how tranquil our home is, though, we inevitably become stressed and tired by the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Unfortunately, we bring all this negativity through the front door and into the home where it can take hold, but we can release it with the right gifts to receive.

Regularly cleansing our aura and environment is a vital spiritual practice we should do on an ongoing basis. But often, people don’t know how to purify energy and just leave it, resulting in an accumulation of negative energy that manifests in different ways.

Cleansing is effortless with the Tranquil Spirit White Crystal Heart Chakra Singing Bowl. The green Anahata lotus flower sits steadfast in the unblemished purity of the white bowl, reminding us that life itself is uncomplicated. It’s the noise of our thoughts and the clutter of the world around us that creates stress.

We have an entire selection of Crystal Singing Bowls because when we are serene, we open the gateway to enlightenment. Once we glimpse the way of truthfulness and enlightenment, we begin to experience life differently and live with joy, vitality, and passion.  

Final Thoughts

Finding gifts to receive that you'll love isn’t being selfish or self-indulgent.

It’s a way of directing your loved ones on the right path when the season of giving comes around. It also gives you an idea of what presents you could buy for others.

Even buying a "gift for me" isn’t selfish.

Getting something with a special meaning that’s beautiful to look at and wear boosts our confidence and shows self-appreciation.

Before we can love or appreciate others appropriately, we must learn to love and appreciate ourselves first. Self-gifting is a beautiful way to start! Start Your Journey Here: Shop Our Holiday Gift Guide

Red String

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