Men’s Jewelry – The Basics of What To Buy and Why

We all know that one person who piles on the jewelry, men, and women. However, there is a barrier of sorts for men and the jewelry they should, or shouldn’t, wear.  Most men will simply not wear any because they believe it’s not “manly” or they don’t like having “decorations”. Both of these are understandable concerns. However, fashion experts and professionals will tell you that a man can look good in certain pieces of jewelry. It just takes some guidance and know-how.

There are pieces of jewelry that everyone will wear, such as a watch. And then there are pieces that aren’t as standard and traditional, while there are the gaudy pieces too. So when we discuss what kind of jewelry women should/shouldn’t wear and what kind of jewelry men should/shouldn’t wear, there are distinct differences.  Men, like women, do not all think alike, but a few basic rules give us guidance so that we don’t look “decorated”.

All Ears

By the mid-1990s, men wearing earrings hit an all-time high. Today, that fad seems to have disappeared. But if you are buying your guy a gift and would like to get him earrings, there are a few rules to consider.

Earrings for men are usually a diamond or solid metal stud for the majority. However, there are men who are less than traditional or carry a flamboyant personality. For those guys, you can go wrong with colorful pieces such as colorful beads or natural color stones.
Hanging Around The Neck

It is more common to find a guy wearing a necklace, but what man will be comfortable wearing differs greatly from what a woman is comfortable wearing. You won’t see guys wearing a strand of pearls. However, you will see them wearing a pendant is a common piece of jewelry for men.

Where women’s jewelry is often considered the centerpiece of her outfit, for men, should complement his attire. So their necklaces lean toward a rough and rugged look, a natural look so it isn’t really noticeable.

Necklace Styles for Men

Check Out: Our Mens Necklaces Collections

The styles of necklaces are many for men, many are worn by women as well, but are traditionally masculine styles. Such as necklaces that are bright and shiny too, even urban caricature with the massive “bling” appearance. There are also fragile and light designs for men as well.

The Dog Tags

The military dog tags were a functional item, dating as far back as the 1850s with the Chinese army. They identified dead or wounded soldiers with their personal information such as blood type and inoculations and from a resistant metal that wouldn’t corrode. Some, the soldier’s religious preference would be marked.

Today, the basic dog tags are a pair of tabs on a ball chain and will have some type of text engraved or stamped on them. The decorative dog tag style will replace the text with a design or image and the ball chain is replaced with a flashier style.

Chains And More

Check Out: Our Mens New Arrivals Collections

A classic for men is a plain and unornamented metal chain. There are various type of metal used which can create a variety of appearance. From flat loops that are spaced close together making the chain look like a solid ribbon and lays just under the collarbone is one of the most popular styles.

These have been seen on men with pendants hanging from them. The pendant may be a symbol of the man’s religious or spiritual beliefs such as a Buddha. Or if they served in the armed forces or as the open seas, they may choose a pendant with an anchor and rope.

The key for a man to look stylish with a chain necklace it to choose one that is modest and understated, and typically worn under the shirt. It should have only a small amount visible like a hint of the pendant. Again, a man’s necklace should complement his attire, not be the center of attention.

Chokers Can Be Stylish

Where the pendant style necklace hangs down, a choker is just the opposite. This is a solid band, usually beaded or plain leather, fitting snug around the neck. Men’s fashion today is a toned-down variation of dog collar style or a woven hemp necklace. The woven hemp style will often have assorted beads or natural stones sporadically around it. While they are quite stylish, it is advised not to get too radical.

In women’s fashion, we’re seeing many metal style chokers, but for men, they are relatively uncommon. And chokers that have ornament-like items hanging from them are not the best for a man either.

Rings For Men

Check Out: Our Mens Rings collections

Most men are comfortable wearing a ring, but there are few caveats that should be considered when choosing one as a gift. Men want their rings to look like a man’s ring. They are less likely to wear a big diamond or another gem unless it is bragging rights, aka, Super Bowl Rings.

The wedding ring is the most common ring for men. For the most part, they are conservative, manly, and understated, letting their wife wear the fancier version. Another ring that is common among men is a signet ring. These are exclusively masculine and will either have the “family crest” or the man’s initials. They will wear a ring with a symbol of their hobby or interest, again like an anchor or a religious symbol like a Buddha.

In Conclusion

Jewelry on a man can be an added masculinity when it isn’t an overpowering piece. It should no longer be a concern of it being too ‘feminine’ for them. While they may not want to appear “decorated”, they can dress up their ensemble for an important meeting or dressed up for a night out.

The post Men’s Jewelry – The Basics of What To Buy and Why. appeared first on Karma and Luck.


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