I Love You Mom - A Mother's Day Tribute

It goes without saying that being a mom is one of the toughest, most rewarding jobs out there and not a day goes by where we aren't grateful for all the hard work and sacrifices that moms across the world make for their families. This Sunday is a special chance (but
 every day is a new opportunity!) to say "THANK YOU MOM" and "WE LOVE YOU!".

Mother’s Day is a day of celebration where we honor our own moms, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence mothers have on our day to day lives. Through the years, the word mom has evolved beyond just our biological mothers. On this day, it’s important to honor its energy by nurturing all the moms and motherly influences in our lives – Mother Earth and all the women who hold a special place in your heart as wisdom keepers.


The earliest celebrations of mothers date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, but the modern Mother’s Day as we know it was campaigned for by an American woman named Anna Jarvis, who lobbied the United States Congress for years to designate a day to honor mothers. In 1914, the U.S. officially made Mother’s Day the second Sunday in May, and many countries around the world have followed suit.

This Mother’s Day, take the time to send the energy of unconditional love to all the women in your life who represent the nurturing energy of a mother. Thank them for their dedication, devotion, support and endless belief in you when you didn’t believe in yourself. If you are a mom, thank yourself for all the times you made it about someone else instead of yourself.

If you are able to, give your mom a big hug and kiss today, or call her to tell her that you love her. Those words mean the world to every mom. This is a day of gratitude for all the moms in the world because without our moms, we wouldn’t be here.

A meaningful gift

The gift of gemstone jewelry is a perfect way to show your mom how special she is since jewels are associated with treasure, beauty, and worth. It can be a powerful piece that will lend her energetic support throughout many years, plus she will be reminded of your love every time she sees it! Almost any crystal or stone would make a fine Mother’s Day gift, because the most important thing is to show that you’ve put some thought and care into your selection. Pay attention to the colors she likes to wear and the styles of jewelry that she prefers. Another approach is to research stones that have the type of energy she might need to support her with a specific issue that she is facing. 

Gemstones related to Mothers' Day are the ones that signify love. Our Heart Chakra is about unconditional love, connection, acceptance, transformation and powerful healing. It is the center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality associated with a “oneness” with “all that is”. It balances and bridges between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras.

Heart Chakra gemstones include: Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Hematite, Jade, Green Jasper, Green Agate, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise and Unakite. Take a minute to browse our collection HERE, we guarantee you won't be disappointed. 

Whichever you choose, you can be sure that Mothers' Day gift chosen with love and given with love, will always be well received! Happy Mother’s Day to all the great mothers out there! Stay powerful! We at Karma&Luck hope you have a special day!

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